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Supermarket lighting

---------Supermarket lighting solutions
Date:2016-06-30 10:27:46 Click: times

Shopping malls supermarket lamps for energy saving transformation potential

       Shopping mall supermarket construction area, traffic is also large, especially in the holidays, the traffic is more, longer operating hours. A variety of lighting products and electrical installation of high density, shopping malls, supermarkets, large lighting energy consumption. The basic features of large shopping malls are more than 12 hours a day, there is no holiday in the whole year.

       On the high energy consumption of traditional lighting for energy-saving technological transformation, will be able to improve the efficiency of energy use, effectively reduce the energy consumption and operation cost, so as to achieve the purpose of savings, income generating efficiency of the.

       Supermarket capacity in a large space, goods comprehensive and complex category, in the face of an array of goods, usually 70% of purchase decisions are to make a temporary consumer, so to the illuminating lamp color requirements is very high.

Comparison of traditional lamps and LED lamps

1, the traditional lamp: low efficiency of light energy conversion. Most of the electricity can was transformed into an invalid heat, but also increased the supermarket air conditioning load; life is short and the replacement and the maintenance cycle short raise the cost; color low, color rendering index in about 50 lighting color effect is not true, can not afford to pick customer's desire to buy.
2, the popularity of LED light fixture: there's no strobe will make customers feel eye irritation; lighting effect does not sting the eyes, not Akira eyes; color rendering index more than 85, merchandise display real, bright colors, so as to stimulate the customers desire to buy; long life in 30000 to 50000 hours, day lighting 12 hours average can reach 7 years changed greatly reduce maintenance costs.

Summary: whether it is from the energy saving and replacement maintenance or from the lighting effects, the use of universal light LED lamps are on the election.

The following recommended several suitable for supermarkets to use LED lamps

LED lamp - based lighting applications in a large area of goods shelves, to provide a large area of uniform lighting

There are T8 and T5 tube can be selected, the new decoration of the supermarket to recommend the use of one of the traditional lighting renovation in order to reduce your cost, recommend the purchase of a single tube can use the original stent.

In the case of the same brightness 18WLED lamp can replace the 40W fluorescent tube, more than 50% of the fluorescent lamp, energy saving effect is remarkable.

As seen from the above table, seven years of time, the use of traditional fluorescent lamps lighting cost is 4357595.2 yuan, while the use of universal light LED lighting costs only 1977288.24 yuan. Equivalent to help the supermarket to save 2380306.96 yuan. Energy saving ratio reached more than 50%.

LED - space art design reflects the lamp node, brand personality differences

       For the highlight of key commodities, commodity vivid performance; energy saving, low carbon, long life, good color, fast response. Led downlight design more lightweight appearance, kept during installation and architectural decoration overall perfect unity, set without destroying the lamp, light source hidden decoration inside the building, light is not exposed, no glare, soft visual effects, uniform.       See from the table, seven years time of the supermarket use traditional lamp lighting costs is $136920, and the use of LED downlight lighting costs only $63188. Equivalent to help the supermarket to save 73732 yuan, energy saving ratio reached 53%.

So, the LED lamp energy saving modification of the original lamp, will be the best way for enterprise savings income.